We have been in numerous media productions over the years. Below is a list of our media credits:
Britain’s Most Historic Towns: Viking York, 2018, Channel 4
Experiment with the Vikings, 2015, Royal Society of Chemistry
Some Boffins Telling Jokes as the Science Viking, 2013, BBC4
Barrow Dock Museum short Viking documentary for the Furness Hoard display, 2013, Comely Media
Hammer of the Gods, 2013, Magnet Releasing
Making History, 2012, BBC Radio 4
1066: The Battle of Stamford Bridge, 2012, Chris Rock
Britain’s Got More Talent (Cardiff) as Professor Boffin, 2012
Ivarr the Boneless, Spring 2003, 3BMTV
Nokia Mobile Phone Advert, 2000
The Detectives (Fur Coat and No Knickers), 1995, Celidor Productions
Alfred the Great, 1994, Cromwell Productions
The Viking Wars, 1993, Cromwell Productions
Bjarni and Professor Alice Roberts 2017